Well, we almost made it through this chemo cycle without an unexpected hospital stay. Wednesday Cheyenne was so perky, was up and about feeling herself. She spent some time outdoors playing. Then yesterday she slept alot, and lounged about. When she asked me for her medicine early and wanted to be hooked up to her feed early so that she could go to bed I knew something was up. I took her temperature and realized she had a good fever going on. So we came down to emerg last night. They told us within half an hour that they would be moving her upstairs, but they had some bed changes to make. We still aren't quite sure whats going on. So far all that we know from her bloodwork is that she is neutropenic(this means a private room). They are culturing her blood to see if they can find the source of the fever(infection). Cheyenne has quickly made herself at home, Cassidy too. I'm glad they have each other for company, it takes Cheyenne's mind off of herself.
Until Cheyenne has been fever free for 48 hours they won't discuss discharge, and if her blood culture is positive then it would mean a longer stay. At present she is on IV antibiotics, and she has received her chemotherapy for today. On the bright side, I was able to go upstairs and visit my adorable new nephew, Brantley, and my sister Sarah.
Thank you so much for keeping our family in your prayers.
Sorry to hear about the neutropenic fever. I hope she's over it soon. My daughter has rhabdomyosarcoma, too, and so far no fevers for us. All the best to you and Cheyenne.
We missed you at girls night Sonya, but you, Cheyenne, and the fam were in our thoughts in prayers.