Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 37 and scan results

I have tried to write this post 3 times unsuccessfully.  I cant seem to put my thoughts into words so I apologize if my thoughts dont make sense.  We were admitted last night for hydration and chemo today.  The ward seems unusually busy.  And by busy I mean crazy.   Yesterday was too busy in clinic to get Cheyenne's scan results so I was told I would get them today.  It was a long, agonizing wait and finally at 5 o'clock tonight we were seen by the oncologist.  The reason we had to wait so long was because the MRI hadn't been read, and when they called to have it read they weren't able to read the head MRI so they had to call someone in to read it.  Both MRI and CT have come back clear with no evidence of disease.  NED, three little letters that have come to be the coveted results of so many oncology parents.  Although we are very grateful for all that the doctors and nurses have done for Cheyenne, we give God the glory.  Thank you to all those who have prayed and continue to keep Cheyenne and our family in your prayers.    Cheyenne has 11 weeks of treatment left and will continue to be scanned frequently.  Well its off to sleep (if the neighbouring rooms sleep tonight).


  1. we are rejoicing with you. Praise God! May he give you strength to endure the rest of the journey he has placed you on.
    Taunya VanDoodewaard
