Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pictures and an update

Cheyenne and I are headed up to the hospital tonight.  Her counts were good (4.5) and they have a bed for her, so she will be getting hydrated tonight and chemo tomorrow.  If all goes well she will be getting discharged home friday morning.  The countdown is on.  This is her second last chemo admission.  She has 4 chemos left.  The thought makes me giddy.  Although we are nowhere done in terms of doctors appointments, follow-ups and tests/scans, I am ready to slow the pace down a little. 
Here are some pictures of the last little while (as promised)
Look who is climbing, everywhere.  No desire to walk on her feet yet her knees serve the purpose.

Wyatts SuperSib trophy

Flying kites in the pasture field.  Ignore the orphan outfits but after washing all the snowsuits and putting them away I wasnt too fond of getting them back out for 1 cool day.

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